Our Impact

Transforming Lives in Central Ohio

Learn more about the impact that Action for Children made on children and families in the last fiscal year by exploring our report and videos. You can also access previous years’ impact reports!

Action for Children FY23 Impact Report

Read our report below to get a comprehensive picture of the work we’re doing with families, educators, and communities in central Ohio!

“Action for Children is always right on time with everything. The effort, the responses, the support and resources; everything is excellent. No matter what you need, Action for Children is here for you!”

- Alia Jaradat

“It’s a privilege to play a part in [our foster daughters’] journeys and create a somewhat redemptive experience. With Action for Children, we received reassurance and connections to resources to prepare us above and beyond what we could’ve expected.”

- Matt

Learn more about the programs featured in our Impact Report!

The BOSS at Action for Children

Helping child care owners and administrators unleash their full potential!

The Village at Action for Children

Providing connection, support, and engagement to FCC programs!

Action for Children's Children Services Hub

Equipping and empowering foster, adoptive, and kinship caregivers across central Ohio!

Get to know Nikki and Nicholas, Bethany, Matt and Laura, Annie and Alia and see how Action for Children has impacted them!

Read the full stories from the BOSS, Village, and Children Services Hub at Action for Children on our blog.

Action for Children would like to thank our donors + funders who make our work possible.

Donate to Action for Children
