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A Blog by Action for Children

Embracing Inclusion: Essential Tips for Child Care Workers


Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are more than just buzzwords in childcare—they are crucial for teaching young children empathy, respect, kindness, compassion, and acceptance. Children come from so many different backgrounds, and it’s vital to teach them about diversity and inclusion to combat stereotypes, racism, and bias from an early age!

Why DEI Matters in Child Care

Children benefit from learning in diverse and inclusive environments. They learn to appreciate different perspectives, develop better social skills, and practice empathy and understanding.

Incorporating DEI in the Classroom

Diversity can be reflected in the environments and materials children use daily:

  • Baby dolls and toy people that represent a wide range of ethnicities, cultures, and abilities.
  • Books and posters that showcase diverse stories and characters.
  • Art supplies and toy food that reflect various cultural traditions.
  • Dress-up clothes that include items from different cultures to encourage role-playing and learning.
  • Celebrations that acknowledge holidays from all cultures, not just mainstream holidays
  • Lessons and activities that recognize achievements of people from various cultural backgrounds
  • Spaces that are accessible to people with disabilities and teach children how to make activities accessible to everyone

Engaging Families in DEI

The families in your classroom are the best way to get information on different cultures and backgrounds! Consider sending home AFC’s Getting to Know You Questionnaire (available to download for free!) to understand what cultures each family identifies with, what languages they speak, and what holiday or traditions they celebrate. This information can be used to make your classroom and lesson plans inclusive to the different places the children you serve come from.

Hosting Multicultural Events

Another great way to celebrate diversity is by hosting a multicultural event. Use your classroom as a space to invite families and community members to share their cultural traditions and foods, fostering a sense of community and learning. Encourage families to bring traditional attire, music, or other culturally significant items to create a vibrant, educational experience.

With free resources like these from Action for Children, the opportunity to embrace inclusion in your child care classroom is right at your fingertips. Get started now and create an enriching learning environment in your classroom that prepares children for a more inclusive world.

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Author: Kassie Matamoros, Step Up to Quality Technical Assistance Coach

Action for Children’s professional development services are provided in partnership with Step Up To Quality, Ohio’s tiered quality rating & improvement system, and funded by the Ohio Department of Job & Family Services, Franklin County Board of Commissioners, and Action for Children’s generous donors.

Action for Children is the local child care resource and referral agency for central Ohio, and is committed to assuring quality early learning experiences for all children. Our services focus on transforming the lives of children by supporting the everyday heroes who most influence our children’s early growth; care givers, educators, parents, and guardians. Learn More. 

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